July 2019 - Regional Update
Membership Report: The Northeast Region continues to engage its membership, with 529 active members as of May 2019. On we grow!
Congratulations, Regional Winners!: Congratulations to all Northeast Regional Winners for the 2018-2019 show season! The region's top felines are featured on the official NE website (www.ticane.com) and will be celebrated at the Regional Banquet and Awards Ceremony in July 2019. All are welcome to attend to celebrate felines, fun, and friendship!
Mark your calendars for the following shows/events:
Canuck Cat Club, Sept 14-15 in Toronto, Ontario
Nauticats Cat Club, Oct 19-20 in Quebec City, Quebec
Cats Ahoy Cat Club, Oct 19-20 in Hartford, CT
Nauticats Cat Club, Nov 2-3 in Montreal, Quebec
NE July Member Spotlight - Brigitte Pouliot: The Northeast Region is honored to feature long-time TICA member and regional advocate, Brigitte Pouliot, for its July Member Spotlight. Brigitte began her adventures in the cat fancy at the young age of just 6 years old, where she attended cat shows in shopping malls and treasured the cute satin ribbons she collected. A 10th specialty final hooked her in even further and the Anouchka Cattery was born in 1983. Despite an initial language barrier and losing her mother to cancer when she was only 28, Brigitte worked tirelessly to learn about the Persian breed and its development in breeding and showing circles. She has since earned four IW titles, enjoys entry clerking and ring clerking, and is always available to help those seeking assistance or mentorship. When she isn't busy being a Senior Marketing Director, Brigitte enjoys running and hiking the Quebec mountains. Merci, Brigitte! The Northeast Region is proud to have you as one of its own.